Trio manege(s)
“Ainsi vont les sons. Trois petits TOUT(s) et puits sans fond…Antre de résonances adressées à nos sens”
O.Hestin (2017)
Trio manege(s)
Drums and Composition : Olivier Hestin
Piano et Rhodes : Alexandre Saada
Electric and Acoustic Guitars : Martial Bort

Hope n'close
Firstly, it’s about surrounding oneself with two companions with whom everything becomes evident, and where the musical flow circulates effortlessly. Then, an instrumental choice imposed itself with the encounter of these two musicians. Ultimately, piano and guitar are the two instruments that I have always practiced as a subtle accompaniment to the drums.
A repertoire, comprised of both recent and older original compositions, sometimes intertwining. It evokes a journey through time, an endless ping-pong game between the age of carefree innocence and that of maturity.
It’s a musical and poetic statement. These compositions, for me, are like “sonorous odes” to ambivalence. They allow me to associate opposites, to tell the same story in completely different ways or to juxtapose various feelings, emotions, and sensations, layering them to find unique colors. Thus, organisms and mechanisms, intoxication and melancholy, popular and scholarly music, tensions and suspensions, noise and silence… organize into a multidimensional playground where the binary nature of things remains in the background.
It’s also about the sonic objects and the noisy universe that emerges from them. They bring an additional dimension—a fourth space shared among the three instrumentalists we are, connecting us internally, even into our intimate spaces, and projecting us broadly outward, exploring our questions.
Finally, for me, it’s the place and moment to bring together my influences from my experiences and tastes. Jazz and European and extra-European improvised music have a significant place. Some traditional music, both French (Breton, Occitan), Cuban, Brazilian, and Gypsy. Classical music as well as 20th-century and contemporary modern music. Pop-rock, funk, blues, and French song. Not to mention the performing arts in the realms of contemporary circus and theater. All domains in which I have been able to express myself and which I would like, in a way, to bring together here.